Are you having difficulty growing your business? No one to discuss this with? Feel Stuck? We are here and we want to help! Get specific strategies from qualified experts-all under one roof!
Come meet Dr. Cassandra Bradford the Business Strategist, NAACP Winner, FORBES Magazine, M/WBE Certification Expert. Learn the first steps needed to grow your business.
Tuere Harrold Armstrong is a licensed Real Estate Agent and Escrow Officer in Texas. At your Dreams Matter we empower our clients in knowing the importance of home buying education and continue to educate our clients throughout the closing process and aftercare education.
Tajiri Brackens is the Lead Performance Coach at Heritage Leadership Consulting, a prominent, niche consulting firm specializing in Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Culture training, workshops and coterminous connectivity with small business owners, individuals, and corporate giants.
Cerise Cohee an advocate for accountable business and personal financial decisions and respected strategist in applying financial literacy to business problems. Continuously utilizing resources in banking and financial empowerment to improve cash flow, credit worthiness and increase efficiency and revenue.
Get to the Think Tank St. Louis and experience BUSINESS WORTH like never before! I bet we can grow your business!!!!!